I Help New online creators make personal progress
for professional results with the right tools & support.
Every success begins with mindset. This timeless 1905 book by James Allen with updated personal annotation and action steps can be yours right now.
I've spent the past 12 years helping other people succeed. Nothing gets me more excited than helping others achieve their next best step/project/goal/habit/ business/ _________.
I believe in saving grace through Jesus Christ. I was in full-time church ministry for over 23 years.
I'm a little bit goofy at times. Dry humor and dad jokes are one of my superpowers. Sorry, not sorry.
I've been married for 44+ years. My wife is a double board certified Nurse Practitioner... FNP-BC, PMHNP-BC (Sooo many initials behind her name).
I've written/published two books (with a third on the way). "Together" and "Conquer What's Next."
I believe that spiritual examples translate to present living. The ability to grasp Biblical concepts, internalize them and take action to change your life.
I believe in personal progress for professional results. It's never too late to take your next best step.
I've invested over $57,000 in personal growth and online education. I've made all the mistakes so you don't have to.
I've had many personal battles in each of these areas, even to the point of suicide. I came through the fire. I know the path forward.
This is where you address some of the challenges or struggles your avatar might be facing. When you list some of their biggest problems/frustrations better than they can, they'll know you are talking to THEM, and that they are in the right place.
The plan is to have a podcast with weekly content started by the end of October 2024. The focus is on the 3 weapons of the conqueror... mindset, skillset and toolset. Be inspired to make the impact you want to have with the confidence for taking your next best step.
Episode 132- Yup, coming soon
short punchy copy here that gets you excited to listen to this episode, and how you'll benefit from it. Listen To More
Episode 143- Not quite here yet
short Punchy Copy Here That Gets You Excited To Listen To This Episode, And How You'll Benefit From It. Listen To More
Episode 178- Not kidding. It's coming real soon now
short Punchy Copy Here That Gets You Excited To Listen To This Episode, And How You'll Benefit From It. Listen To More
Join an existing small group for 3 months and accomplish something amazing with guidance, support and accountability.
In this opportunity, you will learn:
Self-paced programs on a variety of topics, along with past small group, weekly teaching.
Inside this training, you will discover:
Weekly, 1-hour one-one coaching via Zoom tailored specifically for you. No cookie-cutter answers.
Every success begins with mindset. This timeless 1905 book by James Allen with my personal annotation is available right now.